Adults were using them for themselves, and as a way to save time, a lot of parents went out and got them for their children.
The goal was to give kids a better brushing experience. However, not all parents went through to check and see if their child was old enough to get the most benefits out of an electric toothbrush.
When Should Kids Start Using an Electric Toothbrush?
Your child should not realistically start brushing with an electric toothbrush before age three. Once they are age three, you can use it on their teeth, and they can help, so long as they remain gentle to their tender oral tissues. Just make sure you are right there with them, keeping their mouth safe and protecting their mouths from potential harm.In order for them to begin using an electric toothbrush on their own, it much more depends on how well and how carefully they brush on their own. This is a good topic to speak with your child's dentist about, since they can see if your child is doing a proper job of keeping their mouth clean or not. Some kids can use an electric toothbrush on their own by age 4-5, while others need to wait until age 6 or 7.
If you want to find out if your child is a good candidate for having his or her own electric toothbrush, speak with their dentist. Let them speak with your child about how to properly care for their teeth, and let them make the ultimate decision. From there, you can both work together to make sure that each brushing session goes right and keeps your child's teeth safely clean.
Please contact us if you have any questions about your child using an electric toothbrush.